Exploring the Life and Legacy of America's 39th President!

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Carter at 100: A Retrospective

Jimmy Carter will be remembered as a man of faith, principle, and charity. Though once remembered as "a good man but not a great president," there is a growing consens...

"Carter in Collective Memory" with Janice Hume

The concept of collective memory has been the guiding theme of this podcast. On this episode of Recollecting Carter, I asked Dr. Janice Hume to define collective memor...

"Carter's First Political Appointment" with Jason Berggren

Before he was President, Governor, or even a State Senator, Jimmy Carter's first political office was on the Sumter County School Board in rural, south Georgia filling...

"The Rise and Fall of the Religious Left" with L. Benjamin Rolsky

Though we rarely hear talk of a "Religious Left" today, in the 1960s and 70s there was an active and vibrant set of voices advocating for progressive policies from acr...

"The Outlier" with Kai Bird

Biographer Kai Bird published The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter in 2021. Kai is a prolific author, most notably of American Prometheus: The Triump...

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